Angela’s June 2024 Newsletter

New Year, Indeed

I don’t necessarily use the new year to make resolutions, but as a farmer I do start looking forward to spring. Seeds and other inputs must be prepared, and now the countdown begins to planting potatoes and seeding the tomatoes in transplant flats

This year I had hoped to have the seedling greenhouse up and going by now, but calculated that I can grow the 6-7 flats of seedlings I need indoors for a month or so, which gives me time to finish installing the arcs, cover and heating system for the seedling greenhouse. The main greenhouse also needs the cover, a few vents welded to the frame and a black mulch cover put down to warm the soil. I am waiting for a break in freezing weather (now in the 3rd week) to finish a bit of masonry, then the welding and installation can begin!


  • Recovered my lost passport after a day, enroute to Moldova.

  • The Board is working well and senses God supplying in the midst of losing Les.

  • Snow! Cold but so beautiful!

Prayer Requests

  • To see and use opportunities to share the Gospel.

  • For Moldovan Christians to savor and grow in the Gospel

  • A well-built house and greenhouse.

  • Wisdom as we clarify ministry goals and decide how to support our current projects

  • A strong, humble team

While back in the States, our Board discussed the issue of running the vegetable project as a business, which requires much paperwork, and someone suggested that we could (as an existing non-profit in Moldova) just donate the produce to ministries like

the Christian University (UDG) and summer camps, bypassing the need for a separate organization to be founded. This looks like a viable option, and will free me to focus on farming, not marketing and sales. Then in a year or two when we have figured out production and our training program, we can open a business venture.

In two weeks Herb Graybill, our new Ag Connect director, is arriving in Moldova. We plan to visit a lawyer and figure out the details of donating vegetables. And since it’s been almost a decade since he last visited, we’ll be catching him up to speed on the existing projects and look at this new year. Please pray for wisdom and direction for us as Herb transitions into the director’s role.

There is much to be done. Besides the vegetables, the 2nd floor on the house is entering the final stage of construction, the videos I made on ag are almost ready for YouTube, and a new Moldova vegetable growers’ association is forming. There are hills to climb, but God is in the lead and so the journey can be viewed with hope and peace.